$60/ 45 min — 2 Lemon essential oil warm towels, straight razor shave with an aromatherapy mask.
$55/35 min — Lemon essential oil warm towel straight razor shave.
$55/45 min — Clipper trim down to the perfect length and warm towel straight razor shave.
$55/45 min — Clippers or scissors please consult with your Barber to make sure you are getting the style you want before the hair cut.
$50/ 30 min — Warm towel straight razor shave.
$25/15 min — clean up of the back of the neck bringing the cut back to life. clippers and straight razor.
Haircut with Steve Gonzalez $60- Clippers / Scissors / StraightRazor
House Call - Haircut & Shave $250